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Great Grapes of Plainfield! A look at Chateau Thomas Winery


April 2009

I had the great opportunity to take photos at Chateau Thomas Winery last week as part of a small photography workshop. The winery may use some of the photos submitted by the workshop attendees to update their website and promotional items…so wish me luck! Here’s a “sample” of the images I’ll be submitting. I would love to hear your comments!

Their newest product, Slender, was included in gift baskets to all the stars in Hollywood at this year’s Academy Awards.

I didn’t want to leave without getting a sunset photo!

I didn’t sample any wines on this visit, but I plan to go back this summer with Reggie and some friends to sip some wine and to enjoy some free live music at this relaxing venue. Be sure to check out their event calendar for details. I’ll keep you posted on the outcome of this unique opportunity! Stay tuned…

  1. love, love, love the first one!! and i really like the one of the bottle on the chair under the arbor! gorgeous work!

  2. Katherine says:

    THese photos are great! Especially the sunset one! šŸ™‚

  3. Those are all great but I agree with the two comments that those two are the best!

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