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Commercial | Tea Time To Your Door


In early December, I received an email that made me so excited that I couldn’t sleep that night.  Words like vintage, fascinators, tea, cakes, Victorian, new business, and dreams drew me in.  Especially that last word, dreams.  Before I continue, allow me to explain a few things.  I photographed this gorgeous summer garden wedding last year, and shared some images with the florist, Lacey, because I adored her work.  When we met, I was inspired by her enthusiasm and passion for her work and for life in general.  Little did I know (and I had sincerely hoped) that our paths would cross again.  And it happened just over a year later.  Lacey’s mother, Judy, was starting her own business, and needed photos for her new website and marketing materials.  I was so honored that they contacted me, and we made immediate plans for the session, since the end of the year was approaching.  For she wanted to launch her business to ring the New Year, and my travel schedule was a bit chaotic.  We made things work, and we had such a fun time!

And now, back to that word dreams.  One definition is : “A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration.”  When it comes to starting a business, this definition certainly applies.  However, there’s so much more to it when you feel so passionately about what you want to achieve, what you hope to accomplish, and what you want so much that it consumes you.  Because of Judy’s passion, enthusiasm, and spirit, I know she’s destined for success.  And for her dreams to come to fruition.  She loves to connect with people, to share her stories and theirs, and to make a positive difference in the community.  Tea Time To Your Door allows her to do just that!  Judy, I’m so excited for you and your new business, and I wish you all the success in the world!   Here are some of my favorites from the day!   Cheers!

Delicious desserts and florals in pretty teacups, perfection!  

Meet beautiful Judy, owner of Tea Time To Your Door!

Vintage fascinators and accessories add to the Victorian-themed tea events: 

Judy’s daughter, Lacey – so gorgeous!  
I must say working with Judy and Lacey was so much fun, it didn’t feel at all like work!  

Every tea party, and every day for that matter, is just that much sweeter when chocolates, cookies, and cakes are involved!

Charming vintage teacups and saucers, yes please!

A favorite!

Along with fresh floral arrangements and special occasion cakes, 
pretty personalized gift baskets are also available.  

Tea parties and tea events are for all ages, and such a fun idea for birthdays, anniversaries, bridal showers, baby showers, girls’ nights, and more!  To end our session, we had a tea party…

 … as well as a birthday toast to our lovely model on the left!  
Thank you for sharing your birthday with us, Miss J!  šŸ™‚ 

Adorable Miss Neva!  
P.S. These are some definite favorites!

And the delightful birthday girl!  She shared some dreams of her own with me – I told her to go for what she wants in life! You are beautiful inside and out, always remember that!

To learn more about Tea Time To Your Door, and to book a tea event, please visit their website.  Connect with them on facebook too!

Judy, thank you so much for letting me share in your dreams!  I’m so excited for you!!!  
It was such an honor to work with you – thank you for being an inspiration to me and to all those who set out to make their dreams a reality!   Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  1. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely STUNNING!!! LOVE all the pics!!!


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