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Colin: 6 months


I can hardly believe that this little guy is 6 months old, well, now 7 months!  Colin is such a cutie!  I met up with him and his parents at the park on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  Kristen and Nick just celebrated their 2 year wedding anniversary – Happy Anniversary!!!  They are absolutely smitten with their little man, and I can totally see why!  Take a look!

Colin definitely knows how to work the camera, I love his serious expressions here!

He brought along some of his favorite things to play with…cooking utensils and a shiny pan! 
Perhaps it’s a hint that he’ll be a world-famous chef one day…

Some passers-by saw Colin reading his favorite book and commented that this was quite possibly the cutest thing that they had ever seen…and I have to agree!

I need to put this on my ‘must-read’ list, because it’s obviously a very, very good book. šŸ˜‰

Yes, yes, yes, soooo very cute, indeed!

Can’t resist his little wiggly toes!

Page-turning goodness! 

After reading his book, we were off to the playground!

Colin ‘swam’ down to the end of the slide, only to find a sea of mulch!

After a quick wardrobe change, he was ready to swing! Oh, how he loves to swing!

Hands down, my favorite image of the day! 

Another favorite! (p.s. Colin, I love your little shirt!)

We thought it would be fun to introduce Colin to watermelon, a perfect summer treat!
He was so curious about their texture, that I’m not sure he really even tasted it!

Thank you, Colin, Kristen, and Nick for spending your afternoon with me!  
Can’t wait to show you the rest of your images! 
See you soon!
  1. kazia says:

    All these pictures are great
    my favorite is the last one.
    amazing šŸ™‚

  2. Beautiful! What a great looking guy!

  3. Anonymous says:

    You do such a wonderful job!!! Of course, you had pretty people to work with, but your creativity is so neat.
    Grandma Marlene

  4. Anonymous says:

    He is so cute. Every time we see him, that is the phrase that keeps on coming to mind. The photos are beautiful. I agree with your favorites! Grandma Sue

  5. Anonymous says:

    You're really capturing Colin's personality…the photos are amazing…simply fantastic! Grandma H

  6. Anonymous says:

    I love all these!!! He's so CUTE and it would be hard for me to pick a favorite …. GREAT JOB, Stephanie!!!

  7. OK, I think these are some of my favorites that you have taken!! GREAT light, amazing shots, cute kid!!!! Wonderful job. This family should be super happy with these!

  8. Gee says:

    The second photo of him swinging is great! Good job Stephanie.

  9. what a cutie.!
    gorgeous photos….

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