
current favorites

Colin | 2 years


Oh, how time flies!  It seems like just yesterday that Kristen and Nick were waiting for their little guy to arrive!  And now he’s 2 1/2 years old!  I’ve had the sheer joy of documenting this family since their wedding, and seeing them now, it’s obvious they are so happy and loving every minute of being parents to adorable Colin!  (Take a glance at Colin’s other blog appearances here, here, here, here, and here.) We met up recently to capture this time in their lives and had a perfect summer evening for it!  Friend and family can view the entire online gallery here.  Let’s get right to some of my favorites from their session!

Don’t you just love his grin?  

I just had to include this Sneak Peek from Facebook!  What a cutie!

Seriously adorable. 

Another favorite!  Colin, you are such a handsome little guy!

Nick, Kristen, and Colin, thank you for sharing your evening with me!  It was so fun to watch Colin run, jump, climb, and explore!  And thanks for playing along with the silly games that I made up!  šŸ˜‰
You guys are the best! 
  1. Anonymous says:

    He is so CUTE!!! The pics are ADORABLE!!! What a HAPPY family!!!


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