
current favorites

As you know by now, I’m quite smitten with Miss Mason.  And it’s so easy to see why!  Since she was born, I feel like she’s grown up right here on my blog. She’s always got a smile, a laugh, or a hug to share.  A few weeks ago you saw Mason’s Sneak Peek from […]

Families + Kids

Mason: 18 months


It was a Friday afternoon. The phone rang.  A nervous, yet excited voice on the other end mentioned that he was getting married and needed a wedding photographer…for a Tuesday afternoon wedding in September. I loved hearing the excitement in the groom’s voice as he described their upcoming wedding details and venue.  I remember hearing […]


Wedding: Candice + Patrick


A few weeks ago, you saw the Sneak Peek from their session…well, I’m happy to show you more from our fun evening!  Jack just recently celebrated his 5th birthday…Happy Birthday, Jack!!!  I hope your party was a blast!  Ok, now on to their images! And be sure to check out their Sneak Peek! “Surround Yourself […]

Families + Kids

Family: Todd + Cristina + Jack


I know I say that I love my job all the time, but, honestly, I truly do love my job!!!  Why? Simply because I get to meet and hang out with cool people…like this family!  They showed up ready to rock their evening session.  Here are some of my favorites! Love this! Such a good […]

Families + Kids

Sneak Peek: Family: John + Lana + Harrison + Louree + Greer + Parker


Today I feel happy.  I am happy.  There’s no other reason for this post than to declare how content I am feeling on this day, at this moment. I write this so I can remember this feeling.  Today isn’t the only day I’ve felt this way, quite the contrary, this is just the only day […]


Fall, Internet Radio + Clapping


serving central indiana and surrounding areas