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Indianapolis Engagement | Jen + Andy


Their paths crossed through a mutual friend who knew they would be a perfect match.  And they’re just that, a perfect match.  He’s got this way of making her smile that, in turn, makes him melt.  She knows how to make him laugh, prompting witty banter followed by more laughter.  Jen and Andy are engaged, and I’m so honored to be  the one to document this special time in their lives.  Last June, Andy took Jen on a weekend getaway, where they stayed in a beautiful cabin by the lake.  Little did Jen know that the man of her dreams would ask to her spend forever with him on their last night under a starlit sky.  They are planning a fabulous wedding this October, and I cannot wait!

What makes this couple even more special to me is that Andy is my cousin.  We’ve grown up going on vacations to Florida, taking trips to amusement parks, and countless games of hide-and-seek at Grandma’s house as the years have gone by.  While I won’t divulge some of the silly nicknames I had for my multi-talented, super-athletic younger cousin, I will say that I am so happy that he has found someone as sweet and wonderful as Jen to share life with.  Jen and Andy, I’m beyond honored and thrilled that you’ve invited me to document your Big Day!  And without further adieu, please enjoy a few favorites from Part 1 of their fun and beautiful engagement session!  Friends and family can view their entire online gallery here.

Gorgeous couple, bright smiles, soft light…pretty much the perfect session in my book. 

Andy, you are so handsome!  
Can’t wait to see you two in your wedding attire!

These two have great style!  Their wardrobe choices were absolutely spot on!


A favorite!

Jen loves antiques.  Andy proposed with a family heirloom piece.  Good work, Andy! 

Another favorite right here!

Ohhh the light we had at this moment!  I wish I could bottle it up!

Jen, you are beautiful!  

Hi Jen! 

Meet Bear!  He loved spending time at one of his favorite hiking parks!

He was ready for his close-up after a little pup talk.  šŸ˜‰

Bear, you are so dapper!  Love the bow tie!

I had to include one of my absolute favorites, which was their Facebook sneak peek!

 Bear is such a sweet dog, and it’s obvious that he’s quite smitten with Andy and Jen.

No wonder they love coming here, it was so pretty!

I know I’ve already mentioned some favorites…however, this is another one. 
I love everything about this image.  

Seriously, you two!  I’m telling you, they made my job so easy!


As the sun dipped down across the hillside…

Andy and Jen, I had so much fun hanging out with you guys!  
Thank you for sharing your afternoon with me, for letting go and just being yourselves.  
Your love and happiness shines through in each and every image.  Love you both!  

  1. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely LOVE all of these pics!!! I, too, am so happy for my sweet nephew and sweet Jen. Your love definitely shows and can't wait until wedding day. GREAT job, Stephanie!!!


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