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Happy 4th Birthday, Remington!


It’s almost impossible to believe that 4 years ago today, you made us parents!  Little did we know what a crazy, fun-filled adventure we had embarked upon!  You are caring and sweet, full of energy and imagination, passionate (especially about dinosaurs!), intelligent and independent, fun-loving, and so much more!  We are so proud to call you our son, and we love seeing how wonderful of a big brother you have become to Emerson!  Happy 4th Birthday, Remington!  We love you to the moon and back!  xoxoxo

 We are excited to spend your birthday with you and your brother!  Happy Birthday, Bub!!!
  1. Anonymous says:

    We are so PROUD to be his grandparents!!! He continues to amaze us each and every time we see him!!! Have a GREAT day, Remington and we'll talk with you this evening. šŸ™‚

    Love, Grandma & Grandpa

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