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Gillian: Friend & Fellow Photographer


November 30, 2008

Indianapolis, IN
Meet Gillian! She was in photography class with me over the summer, and we hit it off. She is a teacher and photographer, truly an artist! We finally got together to discuss our photography journey and to get some portrait practice, of course! We braved the 30 degree weather, combined with rain, mist, and just sheer damp coldness, by the time we called it a day. Gillian had scoped out some awesome locations downtown. Take a look!

We would often resort to fits of laughter either due to the extreme cold or due
to the fact that at times we felt like we were getting senior pictures taken.

I could see this as an ad for Hollister. Don’t you agree?

We had to get some jump shots.

Oh what a feeling! This is how we ended our day.
We both set up our tripods along the street and jumped several times.
Passers-by may have thought we were at cheerleading tryouts…or maybe just a little crazy!

Gillian, thank you for all of your support and encouragement! I’m so glad we got to hang out!
  1. pretty…I like these a lot..

  2. Autumn Olive says:

    Keep up the good work!! Your photos really look great! ~Cristen šŸ™‚

  3. Anonymous says:

    Awwwww, Stephanie, this is so sweet! Now I see why people do blogs. I feel so honored that you actually took time to reflect about our fun day and write about it. It feels like I’m in a newspaper article. I can see how this truly connects you to your clients on a personal level! You ARE talented, my friend!GIllian

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey Stephanie..this is Robert from the IPC class. Just wanted to say great job on the Gillian series!

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