
current favorites

Emily Claire | 18 months


Late January is usually known for snow, ice, wind, and freezing temperatures.  However, a few days before the Super Bowl, the weather man predicted unseasonably warm temps!  So when Emily Claire’s Mom called and asked to take advantage of such weather, I was so excited!  Although the sun dipped behind the clouds and the winter winds were making their way back, it didn’t phase adorable Miss Emily Claire!  She was our little ray of sunshine, and we had a fun time singing, marching, and listening to birds chirp as they flew overhead.  I can’t believe she’s 18 months old already…where does the time go?  I first met Emily Claire’s family before she was born, when Heather and Brian were anxiously awaiting her arrival.  And I’ve been so lucky to be the one to document their lives ever since!  (Take a look back here, here,  here, here, and here.)  And now for a few of my favorites from our afternoon!  Family and friends can view Emily Claire’s entire online gallery here!

Such beautiful blue eyes!  

Did I mention we had beautiful light?   

A favorite!

 Love your style, Em!

Check out Emily’s Toms, a gift from her Papaw!  And it just so happens that Heather, Emily Claire’s beautiful mom, loooooves the Wizard of Oz.  So, naturally, these red sparkly numbers are her favorite!

Hi there, Emily! šŸ™‚

More favorites!

Love everything about this one…my favorite from the day!

After a quick wardrobe change, we headed to another location for a few more portraits.  It was getting more and more chilly by the minute, but Emily was a trooper!  And a cute trooper at that!


Em, you are a total sweetheart.  Gah!

Emily Claire, thank you so much for sharing your afternoon with me!  
I always have a blast with you and your wonderful family!  
Can’t wait to see you again soon…someone’s got a 2nd birthday coming up!  šŸ˜‰
  1. Anonymous says:

    So SWEET!!! She's so ADORABLE!!!
    LOVED them all, Stephanie!!!


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