
current favorites

Valerie and I connected years ago, in thanks to the wedding industry.  And within a few years of meeting, she told me that she was expecting a baby boy, and I’ve had the sheer honor of photographing her family ever since!  We have a lot in common as Mommy’s to two sweet, energetic, and oh […]

Families + Kids

A Holliday Park Family Session // The D Family


We had to reschedule once already, and, as luck would have it, we crossed our fingers again for good weather!  While it sprinkled and rained oh so softly, it did pass, and the sky went from sunny to gray to pink…we were able to get so many sweet and fun photos!  Here is just a […]

Families + Kids

A Holliday Park Family Session // The L Family


Can you believe it’s almost that time of year?!  Back by popular demand…Fall Mini Sessions are here!  As of right now, I have 1 weekend of availability for Mini Sessions.  If time allows, more dates may be added for early-mid November. Each 30 minute session will take place at a beautiful, scenic park area in the […]


Fall ’21 Mini Sessions!


Ohhh, what a fabulous wedding day Natalie and Kyle shared!  Here is a small sneak peek of their beautiful, joy-filled day of celebration!  Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Raleigh!  You are married!!! I loved working alongside these wonderful wedding industry professional who made the day effortlessly amazing: Garment Factory Events Farmer’s Daughter’s Market via The Barn […]


A Garment Factory Events Wedding // Natalie + Kyle // Franklin, IN


As soon as I walked into their adorable home to discuss wedding photography with them, I was smitten.  I was greeted with kind eyes and warm smiles, like our masks weren’t even there.  And I’ll admit that the puppy kisses from their dog, Karma, and the purring and tail hugs from their kitty, JoJo, were […]


Franklin Engagement Session // Natalie + Kyle


serving central indiana and surrounding areas