It is always such an honor when clients refer their friends to me! It means that I get the chance to meet and get to know even more wonderful people, because my clients are wonderful people themselves! And this next family is no exception! Please give a warm welcome to Brian, Caitlin, Aislinn, and Aaron! We met on a perfect summer evening for family portraits around the adorable town of Zionsville! We had bright sunshine and lots of smiles and laughs! This bunch is full of energy, loves playing together as a family, visiting the zoo, and is always on the go! Miss Aislinn is a sweet and spirited 4-year old. She loves the color pink, Stitch, princesses, and her family! And, as I told her Mom, something about her reminds me of a young Meg Ryan! Her baby brother, Aaron, was one day shy of his 1st birthday! Happy Birthday, Aaron!!! He has big blue eyes that melt your heart! He loves to crawl and explore his surroundings! Such a cutie!!! I could go on and on, however, I’d love to just show you what I’m talking about with this fun family!

Miss Aislinn! You are such a cutie pie!
Daddy’s little girl!!!
Little Miss Sunshine!
Aaron just couldn’t wait to give his Mommy some kisses!
I love capturing those sweet moments no one ever wants to forget… like little kisses on the nose!
Caitlin, you are so pretty!
Brian is a pilot, so it’s only natural that Aaron loves to fly too!
Love these!
Another favorite!
Such a handsome little guy!!!
Just look at those big blue eyes!!!
I adore this series of Caitlin and her baby boy!
Love this!
Hi there, Aaron!
Caitlin has been taking monthly photos of adorable Aaron in his Mickey Mouse hat, so it was only fitting that we get his 12 month photo for the books! 😉
And don’t you just love those sweet little baby toes!!!
Brian and Caitlin, you guys are a perfect pair. I love this one of the two of you!
And I’m so glad we were able to get some portraits of the two of you! Your kiddos will love seeing these as they grow up!
Brian, Caitlin, Aislinn, and Aaron, thank you all so much for sharing your evening with me!
You guys are beyond adorable and so easy-going!
Aaron, I hope you had a fantastic 1st Birthday filled with cake and kisses and balloons!
Miss Aislinn, keep being a great big sister!
Can’t wait to see you all again soon!
These pics are ADORABLE!!! Just a BEAUTIFUL family!!! LOVE the location(s) too!!!