It’s such a beautiful day outside, sunny and nearly 70 degrees…in November…in Indiana! For this family’s session, we had a much warmer end of summer day, however, you’d never know it was such a scorcher because of the love and joy pouring through their images! I’ve had the honor of documenting Jen and Ryan’s journey from their lovely spring engagement session to their sunny summer wedding, and now to their first child! Their son Patrick is so sweet, so handsome, and such a little charmer! He handled the heat like a champ, and soaked in his proud parents’ snuggles and songs when he needed a little soothing! The icing on the cake was when I got to hold him for a bit as we said our goodbyes after their session! What a sweet baby boy! Patrick, you light up your parents’ faces and make them beam with happiness! And what a treat it was to capture! I met this trio at one of their favorite parks – one they visited as a couple as they celebrated their engagement and even more so where they dreamed of one day bringing their own little one someday. I love it when a location holds so much meaning and heart and story for my clients! Here are some favorites from our time together!

A favorite! Love all the smiles here!
Jen and Ryan, you are such wonderful parents! Little Patrick is so lucky to have you both!!!
Patrick has perfected his model face! 😉
Oh, how I love precious little baby feet and toes!
Hi, Patrick!!!
When Patrick took a little rest, we got some portraits of just Jen and Ryan! I love photographing the parents together, not only as a reminder of their special relationship, but also to document who they are in their journey as husband and wife. These two are head over heels for each other!
Did I mention that we had some crazy bright and beautiful sunshine? It was a hot day, but it was oh so worth it for this glow!!! Another favorite!
Little sailor! Jen and Ryan have their own sailboat, and this little guy is their favorite first mate!
Look at those blue eyes! Patrick, you are such a doll! A handsome doll! This adorable elephant quilt was handmade by a family member and it was the perfect place for Patrick to take a break!
Dare I say that Ryan and Patrick made their prediction early on? I like to think so!
I love this!!!
Ryan, Jen, and Patrick!!! What a delightful family you are! I am so happy for you guys, and I love seeing how you’ve eased into parenthood! Patrick is such a happy little guy, and it’s easy to see why, because of all of the love and tenderness you surround him with each day! Thank you for sharing your evening with me, and for allowing me to witness all of these sweet moments!
All of these pics are WONDERFUL!!! They looked at though they were having such a GREAT time!!! LOVE all the backgrounds too!!!