Last fall, I was asked to photograph an awards luncheon for
Teachers’ Treasures. I admit I was a bit nervous to accept, since I was just getting into photography, but I really wanted to gain some experience. In attending this event, I was amazed at all the people who were there to learn, to celebrate, to donate, to reach out to those in need. There are children all over Indianapolis who cannot afford to buy school supplies, the very tools needed to succeed in school. The essentials, like paper, pencils, notebooks, crayons. I did not realize how great this need was. I didn’t really know much about this organization, but that all changed while I was there to capture it. I listened to the speakers, watched the student musicians playing beautiful music, and learned about
Teachers’ Treasures mission to help these kids. I was inspired to give back in some way. I decided then and there to forgo any payment I was to receive for my services, and donated my time in hopes that the money would go to help as many boys and girls get the items they so desperately need to do well in school. I was fortunate enough to grow up with the supplies I needed, and for that I am very grateful. (Thanks, Mom and Dad!) I was so happy to be invited back this year and do it all over again. Thanks to Judy, the Executive Assistant, for being so kind and helpful. It is truly inspirational to see such a large group gathering to honor those who make a difference, especially for children and their education. Each year,
Teachers’ Treasures cheerfully recognizes someone in the community for their involvement in bettering the lives of school children. Here are just a few photos of this great event.
The Marian Inc. Ballroom graciously allows such non-profit
organizations to use their space.

A beautiful space…
With this fantastic view!

Before the event got underway, attendees could take a look at the items needed.
Globe centerpieces could be purchased, and the funds would go toward buying school supplies.
School supply kits could also be donated to the cause.
Students from several area schools provided the decorative fall leaves on each table.
While guests mingled before the luncheon, students from Arsenal Tech High provided entertainment.
There’s something about helping others that makes people happy!
MBP Catering generously gives of their services to make this a special treat.
Rich Van Wyk is the Master of Ceremonies for the event.
This young man is congratulated for helping others.
The recipient of the Caring Spirit Award for 2009! Congratulations, Mr. Bob Potts!
The keynote speaker was Dr. Tony Bennett, Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction.
His passion and enthusiasm for achieving academic excellence is so inspiring.
Teachers’ Treasures Board Members and Caring Spirit Award Winner, Mr. Bob Potts
This attendee won one of many collages, which were hand-made by local students.
Teachers’ Treasures serves 232 eligible public, parochial and private schools in Marion County!
Their Mission: “Teachers’ Treasures helps underprivileged children get the materials
they need to succeed in school by providing teachers with donated educational supplies
for use by the students in their classrooms.”
Thank you for allowing me to capture such a wonderful event! I am honored and humbled to have been present among this group of enthusiastic, community-minded, and generous citizens. If you would like to donate school supplies, volunteer, or simply learn more about this organization, please check out their website.