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A bit of a flair for advertising…


Happy Friday to you! You may recall this post from a few weeks ago…well, here are a few more images that I worked on just for fun. It was fun to put a bit of a twist on what I normally do…I felt like doing something with an advertisement style. Being stuck inside during this cold weather forces me to get creative. All of the following images feature something that I love, so maybe that’s why I had fun with these! Each one has a caption, so you may need to click on each image to see it full-size to get a better view. šŸ™‚

These cute, warm gloves were a Christmas gift from one of my Aunts, aren’t they adorable?

This one makes me laugh…try reading it with a British accent…laughing yet?

My husband is a huge fan of hot sauces of all kinds and varieties. Since meeting him, I must say my tolerance for all things spicy has greatly improved! But please beware of the Dave’s Insanity sauce on the right…if you want to hear a funny story about me cooking with this particular bottle of instant wildfire, please leave a comment!
Let’s just say smoke alarms, bouts of coughing, sweating, and drinking about any cold liquid in the refrigerator are involved in said story. Want my recipe?

…thanks to my sweet, cooperative hubby for making this one happen…my favorite!

Got a better caption for any of these images? Share it in the comments!

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